Ver6.3 released |
Ver6.3 is released. Please visit Downloads and enjoy free upgrade.
Your feedback and suggestion are always appreciated. |
Latest Capture Driver |
We refreshed Lumenera Infinity 1,2,3,X driver with new SDK to support 16 bit as well as 8 bit. 48 bit color captured images are saved by img file format which i.. |
Ver 6.2.1 |
Ver 6.2.1 is released.
We fixed the minor error in the perpendicular from common line in the Manual measurement. It was found by the feedback of a customer rec.. |
Ver6.2 is released |
Ver6.2 is released. Please enjoy free upgrade.
Line profile is added. Program is optimized more to make calculation speed up.
Mil is added in the calibration .. |
Ver6.1 is released officially. |
Ver6.1 is released officially. Please enjoy free ungrade.
Quite a few advanced features are added.
Professional looking user interface is also created.
Pleas.. |
Update Capture Driver |
CRI filter control and Jenoptik C12Plus camera driver are added.
Lumenera Infinity 3 camera driver is refreshed with the latest SDK as well.
iSolution update(Ver5.3) |
i-Solution is updated with the name of Ver.5.3.
3D surface plot function is added. |
Try our program |
Will you try i-Solution, the middle version in three different package program? You can click "DOWNLOADS" and download i-Solution progam. Please do not forget .. |